We are the Counter Operation. Visit this website for up-to-date information on our fight against Emtanon Ltd, Marine Org and WORM. Our mission is to expose the truth. This organization, and their illegal paramilitary, is purposely melting the polar ice caps. They also have a line of IoT software present on many appliances that will be used to disrupt the power grid. Emtanon is expected to exort power companies, governments, and other entities for money in exchange for power stability.
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Honolulu Tape Retrieval System Home Page!


The Honolulu Tape Retrieval System is a tape playing system that is connected to a phone number. If you call the phone number, a welcome tape will play. You can enter what tape you want to play on the keypad. If you push #, it makes it work faster. Also, we just noticed that it doesnt hang up after playing one tape and goes back to the main menu. We have been able to listen to a lot of tapes in a row with the new feature.

We are still learning the purpose of this system, but it seems like a training system for Emtanon/WORM/Marine Org agents.

We have been calling this number a lot and trying different tape numbers.


We found a weird sticker in a bar that looked like a tape. It had this phone number on it. We already knew the other phone numbers, so it was a huge red flag. Sure enough, it was yet another system they use.

Tape NumberDescription
0Talks about the latest tape, changes a lot
1"The tape you have reached is not in the archives" with an ICQ sound
2"You have reached tape retrieval system 1..."
3"This is to test the new recordin' system..."
4"Hey Jeremy, can you see if you play tape number 2..." accidental recording.
5"Hey Jermey, what the hell?!" accidental recording.
6Mumbling and weird song
10Old 0 announcement tape
22Creepy "we are watching" sound
100Using the time tracking system
101Old 0 announcement tape
10000Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us
10001Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us
10002Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us
10003Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us
10004Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us
10005Dealing with "Counter Operation" AKA us (Test)
10006"XORRO" tape, claiming they invented XOR logic operator
10007"XORRO" tape, claiming they invented XOR logic operator
10008"XORRO" tape, claiming they invented XOR logic operator (Test)
10009Signing messages lesson
10010Dead Drops (SPYDROP) Lesson
23918Instruction tape is now here
55001Abnormal situations
55002Roadway situations
97575"This tape is unavailable" super creepy
99989The actual welcome tape is a tape!
99991Weird distorted song
99992Unknown song mashed up with the PACER test
99993PACER test
99994RadioShack promo that aired on TV during the Northwests Own Movie Channel Channel 13 KCPQ
99995Unknown song "banks where have you been honey?", bad words but catchy
99996AT&T promo from TV special about the future aired a few years ago
99997Weird unknown song mentioning Madonna and the girl from the jello commercials
99998Unknown song. Catchy. Portuguese. Our member RaverSaoPaulo wrote this as it struck a nerve
99999Tape head cleaner. THIS IS ESSENTIAL. The tapes get muffled fast because of "carbon build up". It seems like a technical problem and this is the bandaid
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